• +256 758 245 804
  • Lightofhopechildrensministry@gmail.com
  • Nakaseke, Katooke

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions About Child Sponsorship with light of hope children`s ministry Uganda(LOHO)


What role does prayer play in sponsorship
What is child sponsorship?
What types of child sponsorships are available?
Why should I sponsor with light of hope children`s ministry uganda
Will my sponsorship connect me with an actual child?
What happens once I decide to sponsor a child?
How will I be kept updated on my sponsored child and his or her community?
How long will my sponsorship last?
How do I sponsor another child?
Can I give a gift sponsorship?
Can I set up a sponsorship as part of my organization?
Can I cancel my sponsorship?


  • Can I write to my sponsored child?
  • What needs to be included in my letter?
  • How long does it take to receive a reply from my sponsored child?
  • Where do I send my letters?
  • How much will postage cost?
  • Can I email my sponsored child?
  • What do I write to my sponsored child?
  • What if my sponsored child is too young to write?
  • What if my sponsored child doesn’t write well?
  • Do I have to write to my child to receive letters?
  • Can I send a gift to my sponsored child?
  • Can I send cash directly to my sponsored child?
  • Can I visit my sponsored child?
  • Can I share my sponsored child’s story via social media?
  • What do I do if my sponsored child contacts me directly?
  • protect the identity of sponsors?
  • Financial:
  • How much does child sponsorship cost?
  • How will my child sponsorship support be used?
  • What’s the best way to pay for my sponsorship?
  • How do I increase my sponsorship support?
  • Where can I find loho financial information?
  • Changes in Sponsorship:
  • Will I always be sponsoring the same child?
  • What happens when the child moves from one place to another?
  • What happens when my child grows up?
  • General Answers:
  • What role does prayer play in sponsorship?

We believe that the most powerful gift you can give to your sponsored child is your prayer support. Many of the children in our care have experienced significant abuse and trauma. We believe that prayers for your sponsored child’s physical, emotional, spiritual healing and development, are critical to your child’s future success.

What is child sponsorship?
Child sponsorship is a unique kind of program that connects a child in need with a compassionate person like you! Becoming a sponsor means giving children the chance to grow up, spiritually, healthy, educated and safe – forever changing their life and future. You just might find that it changes you, too.

When you become a sponsor, light of hope children`s ministry(LOHO) does not give your donation directly to your sponsored child, rather we combine your monthly support with the support of other sponsors to help support all the children registered with us.

What types of child sponsorships are available?

Personal child sponsorship gives you the opportunity to develop a one-on-one relationship between yourself and your sponsored child, while your monthly support benefits all the children as well. Individual sponsors have the opportunity to communicate with their sponsored children via email or postal mail, and may even visit their sponsored children and his or her community.
You can contact us through our face book page or email if you are led by the holy spirit to sponsor a child.

Why should I sponsor with light of hope children’s ministry Uganda?
Light of hope children’s ministry Uganda are a government registered Christian ministry who welcome and nurture, with great love, all those vulnerable and needy children whom society has cast aside, as of no worth or consequence. Jesus said: suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of heaven.
Jesus died for these too.
Light of hope children’s ministry (LOHO) pray before each and everything we do and act on, asking God’s holy will and wisdom.
LOHO do everything in an open and transparent manner documenting every action.
LOHO live and exist purely on faith in and for for the glory of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. As God moves his people to have compassion for and donate to Light of Hope Children’s Ministry, Uganda (LOHO) this is how we receive our funding. We do not ask for donations.
We consider our children as our adopted sons and daughters (a picture of how God the father calls and forever adopts Christians into His heavenly family) and we are very much a forever family. We become close with our friends and sponsors from all around the globe as family also. There is a love bond which transcends distance and race group. There is no such thing as racism in heaven or in Light of Hope Children’s Ministry, Uganda (LOHO) Together we celebrate: Mukama mulungi ekiseera kyona. God is good all the time. We are Ugandan, English, American, Canadian, Spanish, Bulgarian, Asian, Malawian, Nigerian, Rwandan, Zulu, South African and more. God’s decree after the sin of the tower of Babel in the bible, separated people to subdue the evil in man’s heart spreading too far and too fast. Language was confused. God is sovereign even over man’s free will and God will always limit sinful man’s evil. Satan has to ask God permission to commit evil and God only allows and permits that which he will use for good (as he did at Calvary which was part of his plan from before Creation) Now because of God’s great work in our hearts in and through the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit, God is bringing East and West together, and different races together, in love for God and for each other.
Family is important to us.
All our children in our program are orphans, abandoned, needy and/or vulnerable. The majority of them don’t have biological parents. We try to keep our children with their extended family, if they have any living relative who can offer a healthy support system. We do so by enabling them through providing necessities, education and encouragement. It is ideal for children to be with the family God provided them. If our children truly don’t have living biological relatives or if the home situation is significantly unhealthy, he or she is placed in Light of Hope Children’s Orphanage home.
If you are led by the Holy Spirit to bless a child – you are welcomed and encouraged to meet your child in Uganda, if you are able. You will have a unique opportunity to spend as much time as we can provide with your children.
Relationship is very important in Uganda.
While many ministries only allow a brief meeting with a child, often we can arrange many meetings over your time of visiting. Some sponsors have chosen to sleep over
We assure you that 100% donations go to the cause.
The child you have chosen to bless or to sponsor will receive necessities such as food, clothing, shelter, hygiene products, medical needs, bibles, education and it is a MUST for he or she to learn of God our holy Heavenly Father and the gift he offers to each person to become part of his eternal family and his kingdom. We read in the bible that every human being falls short of God’s high and holy standard. (Romans 3:23) But God sent his son, Jesus to take on a human form to die in place of all who will receive this gift, and trust and obey God. (Psalm 51:17 the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise) We share in Jesus sufferings by dying to our old life of sin and starting a new life as His adopted child (as pictured in Jesus resurrection from the dead). This means God is promising us, that in like manner He will give us a new life – our old sinful life is dead. He, himself, in the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit, will justify us immediately,

Romans 3:28
Verse Concepts
For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from works of the Law.

Romans 5:1
Verse Concepts
Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Habakkuk 2:4
Verse Concepts
“Behold, as for the proud one, His soul is not right within him; But the righteous will live by his faith

and then sanctify us gradually, to enable us to leave our sinful lives behind and walk in newness of life by transforming us into the likeness of his son Jesus over time.
17 Sanctify them by[a] the truth; your word is truth. This means that we need to read and teach the bible so the children can grow and be transformed in a way to reflect Gods holiness, God’s glory. This sanctification will be completed when we enter heaven and our sinful bodies will be transformed into our new eternal spiritual bodies.

Philippians 1:6 and I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

Galations 2:20
I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
Being born again into God’s spiritual family adopted as sons and daughters forever, is the greatest hope we offer our children in this life. Because God is faithful and will make sure each of his children will be saved from the penalty of sin, if they trust and obey him. This means they will never walk alone in this life. God is with them every step of the way. They are now part of His greater family from every tribe and tongue and nation. But above all they have great gospel hope. They get to spend eternity with their loving Lord and Savior, their Greatest Treasure (Matt 13:44.”The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.) – forever. In a place of no more tears. (Revelation 21:4. 4 He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” The new creation. A new heaven and a new earth where Jesus himself will rule in the midst of us. And each of us will have a new eternal body with no deformities no disfigurements. No pain. For ever and ever. Amen. God’s people in Gods place under God’s rule. At Light of Hope Children’s ministry, we pray and trust God for every child. None of us deserve this future, we deserve only justice, which is eternal death. But instead our good all loving heavenly father has given us mercy (which is undeserved and all given in Gods grace and kindness) Jesus took our punishment of death but He rose again because unlike us he was perfectly holy, death could not hold him. Now when God looks on us, he does not see our sins, because God is just, he will not punish us a second time, so God sees Jesus perfection when he looks on us. ( Colossians 3:3 gives a little more insight: “For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” When we come to Christ as broken sinners, He exchanges our sin nature for His righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:21). We cannot remain as we were and enter into the presence of a holy God. We must “die” to self and be “hidden” in the righteousness of Christ. Galatians 3:27 says, “For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.” Here the purity of Christ is presented as a garment we wear when we repent and accept God’s offer of salvation. ) We come to God empty handed because our best good works do not meet his high and Holy standard. ISAIAH 6 ” “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.” 5 “Woe to me!” I cried. “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty.”
6 Then one of the seraphim flew to me with a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with tongs from the altar. 7 With it he touched my mouth and said, “See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for.” And in love and mercy God gives us a whole new chance in life. Its not what we do, but what God has done that saves us from God’s just wrath.

Will my sponsorship connect me with an actual child?
Yes. As a sponsor, you have the opportunity to choose a specific child (by gender or age) and to communicate and establish a friendship with your child via mail or email. While you build this one-on-one relationship, your monthly support combined with support from other caring sponsors will benefit the children.

What happens once I decide to sponsor a child?
You’ll receive a new photo of your sponsored child and the profile.

How will I be kept updated on my sponsored child?
Each year you will receive an annual update about your sponsored child, and you be receiving an update every three months about your child’s performance at school. You can also contact the director on the ground to inform you about your child.

How long will my sponsorship last?
Child sponsorship is a voluntary, ongoing contribution. You decide how long you’re able to help.
You may sponsor for as short or as long as you as you are guided by the Holy Spirit. (Like an adoptive parent, or a foster parent)
Most sponsors support their children until they leave the orphanage. Sponsors really feel that they have made a difference when they see their child become a self-assured, independent adult. They have been a significant part of transforming the child from hopelessness to real tangible hope for the child’s future.

How do I sponsor another child?
After experiencing the joy and seeing the impact of child sponsorship, many sponsors want to help even more children grow up spiritually, healthy, educated and safe, so they can achieve their dreams. Sponsoring multiple children is a great way to spread your support. All you have to do is to contact us.

Can I give a gift? Yes we have a gift management policy.


  1. When the child receives the gift from the sponsor the child is informed.
  2. The director and the staff inform the child the type of the gift received.
    3.In case where the sponsor has not stipulated the use of the gift, the child is substantially given advice by the director and the staff members on how to use the gift depending on the needs of the child.
    4.The child signs for the gift in the presence of the director and all the staff and takes the gift.
    5.As a way of showing gratitude to the sponsors, a child writes an appreciation letter informing the sponsors how the gift was used and how he/she has benefited from it.
    6.A child who receives a gift valued at thirty US dollars or more, attaches a photograph to the Sponsors Thank You Letter showing what the gift purchased.
    7.The director and the staff follow up to ensure that the gift was used to do what the child and the guardian/caregiver had budgeted for if the child is not staying at the children’s home.
  3. All the MINISTRY gifts received are discussed at a meeting to see how best the gift can be of a benefit to all registered children.

Can I cancel my sponsorship at any time?
Yes, You do not sign a contract with us and you are under no obligation to continue your support. Most Sponsors like to see their child complete their education and then decide whether to sponsor another child, but the choice is always yours. You can cancel sponsorship at any time. To cancel please call or email to let us know that you want to end the relationship you have with your child, and we will try to find a new Sponsor.

How can I correspond with my child?
You are under no obligation to correspond with your child, but many Sponsors find an unexpected happiness when they build a relationship with their child through the exchange of letters and photos.
Children in our home are very curious about their Sponsors and what their lives are like. Most of the children are timid about asking their sponsors personal questions, but you can be sure they will be extremely curious about you. They love to receive letters in which you tell them about your family and your life. They enjoy learning what you like to do, what your job is, what your favorite game and recreational activities are, the names of your family members, and even pets, if a sponsor sends a personal or a family photo that photo is treasured by the sponsored child and kept with their belongings.

How to Write a Letter to Your Sponsored child?
Example on how to write
Letter writing ranks up there in importance with sponsoring your child.
It is the means of bringing hope and encouragement when all seems bleak and there is no future light seen at the end of the tunnel.
Letter writing from mom Becky Turner and her relationship with Ali, has had a life -changing influence on Sempala Ali life. To this day he loves to show us the letters he received from his “mom Becky”. He is now multiplying her ministry in who he has become. What an impact a few letters in God’s almighty hands she left behind.
Who knows how God will choose to use YOUR faithfulness in relationship, starting with letter writing.
From the humble beginning founded by Sempala in 2015, empowered by God through the Holy Spirit and because of regeneration in Christ Jesus, Ssempala is now a blessing to the local community, and hospitals, bringing the love of Jesus to the vulnerable, the needy, the orphaned and the widows, both in the community as well as in the orphanage. And it ALL STARTED WITH LETTER WRITING.
On a daily basis the good news of the hope found in Jesus Christ, of value for this life and especially for eternity, is shared with each and every person he comes in contact with. This is the fruit of the Holy Spirit and the relationship built with Ssempala as a child by his Ontario Canadian missionary mother, the late Becky Turner, through LETTER writing, EMPOWERED BY PRAYER, and bearing the FRUIT of the Holy Spirit. Can you see how God empowers faithfulness in the small things for the glory of his great name.

Your letter writing can achieve the same goals if you pray before writing to your child and do it as a free will offering and in humble servanthood to our heavenly Father and for the glory of God.

Does the task still sound greatly daunting? Take heart. You only need to act in faithfulness. The work is the Lords. As is the whole ministry of Light of Hope. They are God’s children first, on loan to us for God’s good works he prepared beforehand for us to do.

Below we share some tips God has led us to find to help us in our task of letter writing.

“let your sponsored child know how special they are and that God loves them”.
There is no magic pattern or plan.
Just put down some words. Whatever comes to mind. This will encourage you to get going.
“Write Something. Anything.”
It’s not about what you say. It’s about the fact that you care enough to actually connect with your child. It is after all Jesus love that draws us to him.
“Even a quick, “Hello, I am thinking about you today!” or “God loves you” can mean the world to your child.”
A few ideas to get you going:
Draw from your own Childhood
“What activities did you enjoy as a child?
Who was your favorite teacher? What was the teacher like?
Whom did you admire as you were growing up? Why?
How did you get your name? What does it mean?
Did you grow up in church? How did you come to know Jesus?
What was a challenge you had to overcome as a child or teenager?
What was your favorite part of school?
What was your least favorite part of school
What happened during a typical school day?”

REMEMBER to be brief. Your words will need translation.

This is how a letter might possibly go. . . Mine is long because I just love to talk to and about my boy, but it can be much shorter. Do try to connect to things you know about your child and can share together. Let them know you watch them and notice what THEY do and experience.

Pictures and photos do remember to add these.

My dearest precious child Magezi David,

I loved you from the first minute I set eyes upon you.

Your adopted daddy, Ssempala, showed me your photo when he found you and my heart instantly went out to you and your baby brother Kissa Samuel, whom I miss and think of each and every day.

Kissa can now walk and run and play just like you do. He is never sick, no yellow fever or malaria in heaven only great joy and happiness. Kissa loved to smile. I remember that. His smile.

I am so proud of you for your good report Magezi David.

Do you know I gave you your name? I wanted a good name for your new life. I think David is a good name.

David used to look after sheep. One day he killed a lion who wanted to eat his sheep. He was very brave and trusted God to help him. He also killed a giant once. When he grew up he became a King because that is what God wanted him to do. He was a good boy and always listened to God.
Dad Ssempala gave you the name Magezi. It means “bright” and you are bright.
Your report shows you are bright it is so good for someone who never attended school before coming to Light of Hope. It will get better if you keep working hard like you do.
Do you like school? Or is it very hard?
Always remember Jesus loves you so much and so do I.
I ask Sempala how you are and am very interested in everything you do. I love getting photos and news. And I always speak of you to my family and friends.
They pray for you too. My granddaughter Rachel wrote you a letter, drew you a picture of you in your new clothes, and that is her in the photo blowing you kisses.
Love Always and forever

Please note: To protect sponsored children and sponsors like you, light of hope children children`s ministry does not allow un-monitored communication between a child and his/her sponsor. All communications must be sent through our offices, our post mail, or our email so they can check for appropriateness and manage translations and delivery, as necessary.

How long does it take to receive a reply from my sponsored child?
Letter replies can take several months to reach you depending on local mail infrastructure, translation time and your child’s literacy level, so please be patient. Keep in mind that letters might have to take multiple trains, planes, automobiles and even bikes to reach your sponsored child, and just as many forms of transportation for their reply to reach you! Additional delays can happen during seasons when children may be observing a school break or holiday, or you can contact the director for more information.

Where do I send my letters?
TELEPHONE: +256758245804

Can I email my sponsored child?
Yes, you can email your sponsored child through (lohouganda@gmail.com). Your email message will be printed, translated and delivered directly to your sponsored child.

You’ll receive a written reply via postal mail from your sponsored child or if you prefer to receive email replies from your child this can be arranged but you will miss out on the treasure of the child’s own handwriting and drawings.

Email is a quick and easy way to communicate with a sponsored child. And because costs are lower, it means your sponsorship support goes farther for children.

What if my sponsored child is too young to write?
If you sponsor a younger child, you’ll receive updates about your child from a ministry director or staff. As time goes on, you’ll experience the joy of seeing your child develop through the letters and drawings he or she sends you – knowing that your sponsorship support and encouragement is helping make your child’s development a reality!

What if my sponsored child doesn’t write well?
Some kids are shy. Others have never written a letter before. And in the disadvantaged places where we work, some children have missed out on years of schooling – that is, until Light of Hope Children`s Ministry, Uganda, started taking care of them. So don’t worry if your child’s letter isn’t as long or as detailed as you would expect. Be assured that your sponsorship is making a profound difference in your child’s life, an investment in his or her future.

Can I send a gift to my sponsored child?

What gifts can i send?

  • Stickers
  • Activity sheets
  • Coloring books
  • Crayons
  • Playing cards
  • Small books
  • Flashcards
  • Clothing (clothes, coats, shoes)
  • Accessories (e.g. hats scarves)
  • Sweets and candy
  • Large, extravagant gifts (e.g. bikes, skateboards)
  • Liquids (e.g. bubbles, perfume, toothpaste)
  • Personal hygiene products (e.g., body wash, soap)

Can I send cash directly to my sponsored child?
YES, check on our gift management policy or contact us

Can I visit my sponsored child?
Yes! If you able. For many sponsors, visiting a sponsored child is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. You can see, firsthand, the tremendous impact of your support, while making an even closer personal connection with your sponsored child and his or her community.

In order ensure a positive visit experience for you, your sponsored child and the ministry as well, we require:

60 days’ advance notice before your proposed arrival date or contact us

Can I share my sponsored child’s story via social media?
You may share his or her photo provided you do so while respecting the dignity of the child.

We do encourage you to post about your sponsorship experience on social media. For example, you can say, “I just received a letter today from ABI, my adorable sponsored child from Uganda! She’s learning to read and loves to play jump rope.” Or, “Becoming a child sponsor has meant the world to me. I love knowing a child will have a better life and a brighter future because of me.” You might even encourage others to become sponsors, too!
These steps are essential to ensuring the safety of sponsored children and your safety as a sponsor. We take child safety very seriously, and any breaches of our policy may result in the sponsorship being terminated.

What do I do if my sponsored child contacts me directly?
If you are contacted by your sponsored child or his or her family outside of communications sent BY LIGHT OF HOPE CHILDREN`S MINISTRY, we ask that you refrain from responding and immediately contact US On our face book page or you can email us at lohouganda@gmail.com
Or call us.

How does LOHO protect the identity of sponsors?
To protect the identity of our sponsors, It depends on you.

If you are contacted by your sponsored child, his or her family or a community member outside of communications sent by LOHO, we ask that you not respond and immediately contact US OR email us at lohouganda@gmail.com

Our utmost goal is to protect the children we serve, as well as the generous sponsors who make our work possible. Thank you for partnering with us to achieve this goal.

Financial Questions:

How much does child sponsorship cost?
You can become a child sponsor for just $30 a month (or about a dollar a day). We have found that the most effective way to help children is by combining your contributions with those of other sponsors, rather than giving them directly to your sponsored child. Your generous monthly support will go towards helping improve the lives of children. Your sponsorship is truly an investment in children’s lives and futures!

If you can afford to provide support of more than $30 a month, or you can sponsor multiple children, you’ll help us achieve even more and ensure the long-term sustainability of our child sponsorship programs. If you’re interested in increasing your support on behalf of yourself, your family or your organization, please contact us

How will my child sponsorship support be used?
Your child sponsorship support gives children a healthy start in life and continues to support them as they learn and grow in a safe, supportive environment. We work hand-in-hand with children and the most important of all the children will learn about their Lord and Savior Jesus.

How long will my sponsorship last?
Our children are with us until they can be independent.

What’s the best way to pay for my sponsorship?
You can pay for your sponsorship in a variety of ways, including through a bank transfer, recurring credit card gift, wire transfer or personal check. We recommend setting up an automatic (or recurring) bank transfer, because it saves us on the significant processing fees associated with credit card and check payments. We want to ensure as much of your support as possible goes to the children who need it most.

Changes in Sponsorship:

Will I always be sponsoring the same child?
We work in real communities, with real families, in oftentimes difficult situations. We strive to provide a safe environment for children to learn, grow and play, but sometimes situations change and children have to leave the ministry – for example, because the family has moved to a new home in another community. If your child leaves our sponsorship program, your sponsorship will be moved to a new child, so that you can continue helping children in need. Your new sponsorship signifies an important part of our ongoing work and is a sign that we’re reaching even more children. you’ll also have the opportunity to send a goodbye letter to your previously sponsored child. Saying goodbye can be hard, but a letter can help bring a sense of closure to your relationship and let your child know that your care doesn’t end with the program. We’ll make every effort to deliver your letter.

As my sponsored child gets older will the cost of his or her sponsorship increase?
Once a child reaches middle school (called secondary here in Uganda), the cost to care for him or her increase to $510 annually.

We sincerely hope you’ll see this move as an opportunity to say hello and be a friend and champion to your new child. If you would prefer to sponsor a child other than the one we’ve chosen for you, you can call us. The child we had assigned will continue to benefit from our programs and will become eligible for sponsorship by someone else as generous and kind.

Some Facts About Education in Uganda

In Uganda, 7 out of 10 children won’t finish a primary-level education. Most adults haven’t received an education, and therefore don’t see educating their children as important – many prioritize child labor over education. Uganda has one of the lowest primary ‘survival rates’ in East Africa – with just 33% of children starting primary school finishing. On the other hand, Uganda’s neighboring countries have better survival rates; Kenya’s primary survival rate of 84%, Tanzania of 78%, and Rwanda of 81%.

In the Government-run schools, there can be one teacher to look after 100 children, although the average classroom is one teacher to 54 students. Schools are often mud huts with no amenities, air conditioning, or educational materials. Uganda has the world’s youngest population. There are currently over 38 million people living in Uganda, 50% of which are under 14 years old; It means close to 19 million children are running around in Uganda.

What is the Education System in Uganda Like


This is the pre-school level of education in Uganda. Children usually start at the age of three and complete nursery school by the age of six.


In Uganda, there are seven primary school years, from primary one to primary seven. With normal annual progression this means primary school should last seven years, but many pupils drop out part way through and return later, so it is not unusual to find teenagers sitting primary exams. At the end of primary seven, pupils sit their first major national exams – the primary leaving examinations (PLE). Presently PLE has four examinable subjects – English language, mathematics, science and social studies. The best possible mark pupils can achieve is a total of four (which means one point – a distinction – in each subject), while the worst is a total of 36 (nine points for each subject, which means a fail). Students with between four and 12 points pass the PLE with a first grade, or division one. Those with scores between 13 and 23 get a second grade; 24 to 29 get a third grade, while those with 30 to 34 pass with a fourth grade.


Pupils who pass their PLE can progress to secondary school. This has two stages; the first four years, senior one (S1) to senior four (S4), constitute the O-level period. At the end of S4, students sit the second major national exams known as the Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) or simply O-level examinations. Students who pass their O-level exams may progress to A-levels or the Higher School Certificate (HSC). This lasts two years, S5 and S6, after which students sit for the Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) examinations, also known simply as A-levels. All these three annual national exams are sat between October and December.


Students who pass their A-levels may choose to progress to university, where they can study for degrees, or to other tertiary institutions that award diplomas and certificates. Some wealthier parents send their children to universities and colleges abroad. The government gives about 4,000 university scholarships each year, and sponsors thousands of other students in other tertiary institutions. But tens of thousands of students who do not get the competitive government scholarships depend on their parents and guardians to pay their tuition and upkeep.


What are Light of hope children’s ministry Uganda Representatives?

Representative are volunteers who share about Light of hope children’s ministry Uganda child sponsorship with their friends, family, neighbors, church contacts, or other connections in their personal network.

How do I become a Representatives?

What are the requirements to become a representative of light of hope children’s ministry Uganda ?

You must be 18 years of age or older.

What are the expectations for me as a Representatives?

Each month, we’ll focus on a few children for whom we want to find sponsors. We encourage our Representatives director to help by sharing these children’s stories on their social media accounts or with their personal networks. With hundreds of children waiting for sponsors or ready to be registered into our sponsorship program at any time, we’re in need of a lot of sponsors!

Representatives director can also help find sponsors for children by hosting events at their church, with a small group of friends, or with family. Hosting events is not required, but highly encouraged!

How do I connect with potential sponsors?

All kinds of ways! Representative director could schedule coffee with friends and family, host dinner parties, display their sponsorship materials on their desk at work, plan events at their church…the sky’s the limit! When you get started as a Representative Director , we’ll share tons of ideas to help you start making connections with prospective sponsors, and your Representative Coach will help you come up with a plan unique to you and your network.

How will Light of hope children’s ministry Uganda equip me as a Representative Director?

You will have access to a Representative Coach, who will connect you with resources and help you put a plan into action to connect with potential new sponsors. We’ll also invite you to join our private Facebook group, where you’ll share ideas with and be inspired by other Representative around the world. We’ll start you off with a series of training emails, loaded with tools and materials to assist you. We’ll give you access to a social media kit to help you speak up and encourage your friends toward sponsorship from your favorite social media sites.

How much time does this take?

The Representative Program has a flexible range of engagement opportunities, and your time commitment can vary based on your schedule and desire to advocate! Sharing social media posts can take a few minutes per week, while an event might take a few days to plan. The average Representative might spend about 1-2 hours a week seeking out potential new sponsors, and that includes learning, prepping, and actually reaching out to their community to talk about sponsorship. Being a Representative can be integrated into your daily life, but it does require some time to be intentional about learning, sharing, and asking!